- Develop > Deploy > Launch > Scale > MonitorGet your App live in Minutes Supports all popular technologies & platforms
All that you need to build & deploy simple to complex Apps

Polyglot Platform – Support for Multiple Languages and Frameworks
- Supports legacy as well as latest languages – Java, Ruby, PHP etc.
- Get your App environment setup in minutes with pre-configured templates for multiple frameworks

Distribute your Application Load Effectively
- Supports HTTP Routing to distribute requests on multiple kontenas in round-robin manner
- Load Balance your Application and enhance user experience

Scale/Descale your Applications on the fly with no downtime
- Supports scale and descale to add/remove kontenas
- Make your applications high available by adding kontenas

Collaborate with various team members for your Application Development
- Invite members, grant Permissions and let them manage resources
- Grant Permissions like View, Scale only, De-Scale only, delete and more

Command line as well as Management Console to Manage your resources
- Deploy, Scale/Descale and Manage your apps from Ruby Command line client Console
- Monitor the health of your server from Management Console

Create Rich Applications with Multiple Services Support
- Support for multiple relational databases – MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Powerful Apps and Games with NoSQL Storage- MongoDB, CouchDB
Global Presence
Minimum latency for your Apps. Deploy on servers closer to your customers.

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