PaaSHQ Usage



User Profile
To see API Key & Secret Key, Click on the ‘Keys’ present under Profile at topmost right corner.
Package Info
To see the package details for which you are subscribed for, navigate to ‘My Subscription’ present under Profile at topmost right corner.
To see all the activities performed in your account, navigate to ‘Account Activities’ present under Profile at topmost right corner.
Reset Keys
To reset the keys, Click on the ‘Keys’ present under Profile at topmost right corner. You have the option to reset keys by clicking ‘Reset Keys’ button.
Setup Infra
To setup your deployment and runtime environment, Click on the ‘Create App’ in ‘App’ on left panel. Fill in all the details and click submit to create the environment.
App List
To see all the application deployed on App42 PaaS, click on the ‘Apps’ in ‘App’ on left panel. You will get the list of all the deployed application.
App Detail
To see the details of a particular App, click on the icon under the ‘Manage. You will see the detail of selected App as shown below.
App Logs
To see the logs of a particular App, click on the ‘Logs’ under Manage icon. Click on View logs icon to see the logs after enter correct username and password.
App Horizontal Scale
To Horizontal Scale your app, Click on ‘Scale’ icon under the ‘Manage’, which will open a popup window asking the option and number to scale. By default ‘Horizontal Scale’ will be selected, you need to enter the scale count and then submit to increase your Kontenas.
App Vertical Scale
To Vertical Scale your app, Click on ‘Scale’ icon under the ‘Manage’, which will open a popup window asking the option and kontena power. By selecting ‘Vertical Scale’ and ‘Kontena Power’, you can vertical scale your instance.
App Horizontal Descale
To Horizontal Descale your app, Click on ‘Descale’ icon under the ‘Manage’, which will open a popup window asking the option and number to scale. You need to select ‘Horizontal’ and enter the descale count and then submit to decrease your Kontenas.
App Vertical Descale
To Vertical Descale your app, Click on ‘Descale’ icon under the Manage, which will open a popup window asking the option and kontena power. After selecting ‘Descale’, you need to select ‘Vertical’ and enter the kontena power and then submit to decrease your Kontenas.
App Stop
To stop your App, Click on ‘Stop’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and stop your application.
App Start
To start your App, Click on ‘Start’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and start your application.

Note: If the app is already in running state, pop up will appear.
App Restart
To restart your App, Click on ‘Restart’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and restart your application.
Deploy App Binary
To deploy an app using binary, click on the icon ‘Deploy’ under ‘Manage’, then choose ‘Deploy Source Code’ and select your file. Submit to confirm the deployment.
Deploy App Url
To deploy an app using binary, click on the icon under the ‘Deploy’ under ‘Manage’, then choose ‘Deploy with Git URL’ and enter your Git URL. Submit to confirm the deployment.
App Releases
To see the app releases, click on the icon ‘Releases’ under ‘Manage’. You will see all the releases of selected App.
App memory/CPU Usage
To view app memory/cpu usage, click on ‘Usage’ icon under ‘Manage’.
Add Custom URL
To add custom url, click on ‘Custom URL’ icon under “Manage’ and then fill in the URL and click submit to confirm.
List Custom URLs
To list the custom urls, Click on ‘Custom URL’ icon.
Remove Custom URL
To remove custom url, first click on ‘Custom URL’ icon and then click on ‘Delete’ icon of the custom url you want to delete. Click OK to confirm.
Delete App
To delete the app, Click on ‘Delete’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and delete the Infrastructure.
Create Service
To create a service, Click on the ‘Create Service’ link under ‘Service’ on left panel. Fill in all the details and click submit to create the service.
Service List
To see all the services create on App42 PaaS, click on the ‘Services’ link under ‘Service’ on left panel. You will get the list of all the services.
Service Detail
To see the details of a particular Service, click on the ‘Manage’ icon under the ‘Services’. You will see the detail of selected Service.
Reset Service Password
To reset password for your service, Click on ‘Reset Password’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and reset service password.
Service Stop
To stop the service, Click on ‘Stop’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and stop the Service.
Service Start
To start the service, Click on ‘Start’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and start the Service.
Service Restart
To restart the service, Click on ‘Restart’ icon under ‘Manage’. Click OK to confirm and restart the Service.
Service Bind IP
To Bind IP with service, Click on ‘Bind IP’ icon under ‘Manage’. Enter the ip and click on the ‘Bind’.
Service Bind IP Details
To see the Bind IP details of a particular Service, click on the icon “Bind IP”. You will see the detail of selected Service.
Service Scale
To Scale your service, Click on ‘Scale’ icon, which will open a popup window. Enter the kontena power and then submit to increase your Kontenas.
Service Descale
To Descale your service, Click on ‘Descale’ icon, which will open a popup window.Enter the kontena power and then submit to decrease your Kontenas.
Service Backups
To see the service backups, click on the icon ‘Backups’. You will see all the backups of selected Service.
Upload Service backup
To upload a service backup, click on the icon under the ‘Upload Backup’ column, select the file and submit to upload.
Delete Service
To delete the service, Click on ‘Delete’ icon. Click OK to confirm and delete the Service.
Setup BPaaS
To setup BPaaS, Click on the ‘Create BPaaS Setup’ link under ‘Backend’on left panel. Fill in all the details and click submit to create the BPaaS setup.
Setup List
Click on the ‘BPaaS Setups’ under ‘Backend’ from the left panel to see the setup list.
Delete BPaaS Setup
Click on the ‘Delete’ icon under ‘Manage’ to delete the setup.
BPaaS Upgrade/Downgrade
Click on the ‘Upgrade/Downgrade’ icon under ‘Manage’, choose the ‘Flavour Type’ to upgrade/downgrade the instance and click on Submit.
Setup WordPress
To setup WordPress, Navigate to Application Hosting > Create Setup. Select WordPress. Fill in all the details and click on submit to create the WordPress setup.
WordPress Setup List
Click on the ‘Setups’ in Application Hosting from the left panel to see the WordPress Setup List.
WordPress Upgrade/Downgrade
Click on the ‘Upgrade/Downgrade’ icon under ‘Manage’ , choose the ‘Instance Configuration’ to upgrade/downgrade the instance and click on Submit.
Delete WordPress Setup
Click on the ‘Delete’ icon under ‘Manage’ to delete the WordPress Setup.
Add Collaborator
To add a collaborator, Click on ‘Invite’ in Team Collaboration on left panel. Enter the email id and click the submit button to send the invitation.
Collaborator Details
To list the collaborators, Click on ‘Collaborator’ in Team Collaboration on left panel.
Manage Permissions
To manage permissions, Click on ‘Manage Permission’, choose from the options and select the action on which you want to grant the permission to that collaborator. Click Submit button to confirm.
Resend Invitation
To resend invitation to the user, Click on ‘Resend Invite’ icon. Click OK to confirm.
Setup GPaaS
To setup GPaaS, Navigate to Gaming > Create GPaaS Setup. Fill in all the details and click on submit to create the GPaaS setup.
GPaaS Setup List
Click on the ‘GPaaS Setups’ from Application Hosting on the left panel to see the GPaaS Setup List.
GPaaS Upgrade/Downgrade
Click on the ‘Upgrade/Downgrade’ icon under ‘Manage’, choose the ‘Flavour type’ to upgrade/downgrade the instance and click on Submit.
Delete GPaaS Setup
Click on the ‘Delete’ icon under ‘Manage’ to delete the GPaaS Setup.
Upgrade GPaaS Dashboard
Click on the ‘Upgrade Dashboard’ icon under ‘GPaaS Setup List’ on the right panel to Upgrade the GPaaS Dashboard.