Getting Started with PHP on App42 PaaS
Kontena – Kontena is a lightweight container that will run your apps and services in an isolated and secured manner. You can specify the power of the Kontena while setting up infra or creating services. One Kontena power specifies to 256 MB Memory and 128 MHz CPU.
Service – Services in the App42 PaaS are add-on components which are needed in an App. App42 PaaS supports multiple services like SQL databases, NoSQL databases and more.
To get going with App42 PaaS, below are few prerequisites that will allow you to use AppHQ – App42 PaaS Management Console as well as Command Line Client.
To deploy your PHP application on App42 PaaS, You first need to setup an environment by providing certain inputs which will run your app. Below is the screenshot of setting up the required environment for your app using Command Line Client. You can also perform the same using AppHQ – App42 PaaS Management Console.
$ app42 setupInfra Enter App Name: testPhp Checking App Name Availability... OK 1: Shared Select Instance Type [Shared]: 1 1: Amazon (Oregon) Select IaaS Provider [Amazon (Oregon)]: 1 1: Ruby 2.0.0 2: Java 6 3: Java 7 4: PHP 5.3 5: PHP 5.5 Select Runtime [Ruby 2.0.0]: 5 1: Cake 2.3.9 Select Framework [Cake 2.3.9]: 1 1: Apache 2.4.2 Select Web Server [Apache 2.4.2]: 1 Specify Kontena Power: 1 Setting up the infrastructure... OK Operation is in progress, Please wait...- Setup Infra completed successfully. Default application has been deployed. You can visit 'testphp.iab.app42paas.com' to see the default application.
You can deploy any PHP application on App42 PaaS either uploading binary or providing Github repository URL of your app.
You can also use our Sample Apps and extend it to suit your needs. Here is the link to PHP Sample App .
You can deploy the application on App42 PaaS platform using two ways. One, you can create a binary (supported formats: zip, gz, tar.gz etc) on your local development environment. Other, you can deploy your application by providing the public Git repository URL of your app.
NOTE: In case of deploying from source, Either the provided Git repository must be public or if you want to deploy from private repository, you need to provide the pull permission to App42PaaS Github user.
Deploy Binary
$ app42 deploy Enter App Name: testPhp 1: Binary 2: Source Choose Upload Type [Binary]: 1 Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: n Binary Deployment Path: E:\work\dev Please be patient... This process may take a while to complete. Deploying Application... OK Operation is in progress, Please wait... App deployed successfully.
Deploy Source
$ app42 deploy Enter App Name: testPhp 1: Binary 2: Source Choose Upload Type [Binary]: 2 Enter Git URL?: https://github.com/shepHertz/App42PaaS-PHP-Sample.git Deploying Application... OK Operation is in progress, Please wait... App deployed successfully.
You can see the details of your setup environment either from AppHQ – App42 PaaS Management Console or Command Line Client using app42 appInfo.
$ app42 appInfo --app testPhp +----------------------------+------------+------------------+----------+---------+----------------+--------+ | === testPhp Info === | +----------------------------+------------+------------------+----------+---------+----------------+--------+ | App Url | App Status | Iaas Provider | Name | Runtime | Instance Count | Memory | +----------------------------+------------+------------------+----------+---------+----------------+--------+ | testphp.iab.app42paas.com | RUNNING | Amazon (Oregon) | testPhp | Php 5.5 | 1 | 512 MB | +----------------------------+------------+------------------+----------+---------+----------------+--------+
You’ve deployed your application to App42 PaaS. Now you can open your application in your favorite browser.